Located 20km North of Ashburton, Jamieson Dairies was purchased in 2008 as part of a larger farming operation which included the neighbouring Mitcham Holdings property. The redesign of the larger property and conversion to dairy of the whole property was completed in 2009.
Jamieson Dairies is the largest dairy business within Spectrum Group milking 1420 cows on 388ha and is managed by Spectrum’s most experienced management team who have been with us since 2008.
In addition to the range of farm buildings, five homes complement the farm, including an executive style main home providing sufficient high-quality accommodation. All houses have undergone upgrades over the last few years and meet the NZ Healthy Homes standards.
The Kiwi-cross herd were fitted with Allflex collars in 2021 to help enhance people and animal welfare. Auto drafting of cows on heat allows greater flexibility for our most experienced team members and animal welfare has improved because of the constant monitoring of movement and rumination.
Operational facilities include:
An 80-bail rotary dairy with technological enhancements to support our Group strategy of providing greater time flexibility and focus on animal welfare.
ACR’s with auto-teat spray.
Pro-track drafting with individual in bail cow ID and Allflex collar monitoring.
In shed feeding (grain, minerals, molasses) with individual feeding module.
Effluent applied by injection to main pivot irrigation system.
Irrigation water is supplied via the Ashburton/Lyndhurst Irrigation scheme to a holding pond located on the farm and pumped to pivot and rotorainier irrigators.
Complementing the business is the long-term lease of a neighbouring 80ha property which provides a portion of the supplement and winter grazing requirements for the dairy.